Rosana Romero - Bailarina Profesional.
Disciplinas: Flamenco, Danza Española, Contemporaneo ( Fusión ), Música, Cine-Videoclips, Moda.
Fecha de nacimiento: 20/02/1977 ( Barcelona - España )
Residente en Alcorcón ( Madrid - España )
Teléfono Contacto: 0034 627 986 442
Correo E-mail: rosanaromerobailarina@gmail.com
Profesionales con lo que ha cursado estudios de flamenco / español / clásico :
Ana Márquez, Manuel Núñez, Enric Castán, José de la Vega, Berta Vallribera, Rosa Naranjo, “ La Tani “ , “ El Toleo “, “ La China “, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Carlos Rodríguez, Matilde Coral, Mario Maya, Eduardo Serrano “ El Güito “, Manolete Marín, Javier Latorre, Eva María Garrido “ La Hierbabuena “, Merche Esmeralda, Florencio Campos, Antonio Canales.
- Tientos Tangos en el I Certamen de Baile Flamenco “ Jóvenes Valores “ de Barcelona ( 1992 ).
- Premios “ Vicente Escudero “ y “ Pilar López “ en el II Certamen de Baile Flamenco ( 1994 ).
- Premio “ Carmen Amaya “ a la bailaora mas completa de dicho certamen ( 1994 ).
- I Muestra de baile Flamenco ( L´Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1988 ) junto a Antonio “ El Pipa “ y Leonor Marquez.
- III Muestra de baile Flamenco ( 1990 ) junto a Inmaculada Aguilar, “ El Toleo “ y Adrián Galia.
- Inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona con el ballet de Cristina Hoyos ( 1992 ).
- XI Memorial de Antonio Mairena de Barcelona ( 1993 ) junto a La Macanita, José Meneses y José de la Tomasa.
- Festival “ Noveles Generaciones “ del flamenco ( 1995 ).
- Día Internacional de la Danza ( Mercat de les Flors, 1995 ) bajo la dirección de Antonio Canales.
- Componente de la compañía Antonio Canales ( desde 1996 al 2001 ) en las obras:
. “ Torero “.
- “ A Cuerda y Tacón “.
- “ Gitano “.
- “ Amor Brujo “.
- “ Bernarda Alba “.
- “ Guernica “.
- “ Raíz “.
- “ Cenicienta “.
- “ Bailaor “.
- Componente de la compañía Suroma, junto a Mara Martínez y Susi Parra ( 2001-2003 ) en las obras:
- “ A Tres “.
- “ Conversaciones Flamencas “.
- Participa en la compañía Paco Peña en “ Musa Gitana “ ( 2002 ).
- Compañía Los Losada ( hasta 2004 ) en las obras:
- “ Cumbre Flamenca “.
- “ Entretelones “.
- “ Alma Gitana “.
- “ Las Mil y Una Noches “.
- Compañía Rafael Amargo ( 2004-2006 ), en las obras:
- “ Enramblado “
- “ Íntimo “.
- “ Poeta en Nueva York “.
- “ D.Q. Pasajero en Tránsito “.
- “ Tiempo Muerto “.
- Compañía Rubén Olmo, también como repetidora ( 2006 y 2007 ), en las obras:
- “ Belmonte “.
- “ Pinocchio “.
- Componente del espectáculo “ Vertiges “ bajo la dirección del cineasta Toni Gatlif junto a los bailaores José Maya y Kelian Jimenez. Gira Francia 2007.
- Actualmente y desde 2008 es bailarina y repetidora de la compañía de Nani Paños y Rafael Estevez “ Dos por medio&compañía “ en los espectáculos:
- “ Flamenco XXI: Ópera, Café y Puro “
- “ Sonata del Padre Soler “.
- Año 2010:
- Componente como bailarina y repetidora del espectáculo “ Flamenco hoy “ dirigido por Carlos Saura junto a artistas como Pastora Galván, Rocío Molina y Chano Domínguez.
- Estreno del espectáculo “ Tranquilo alboroto “ en la Compañía de Rubén Olmo, en la Bienal de Sevilla 2010.
- Clausura de la Exposición Universal de Shangay 2010 con la Compañía de Dani Panullo.
- Artista invitada en Festival Global Fusion 2010 de Doha ( Emiratos Árabes ) junto al maestro Trilok Gurtu y músicos de la talla de Roland Cabezas, Andy Suzuki, Carlo Cantini, Johan Berby, Ateeq Saeed Mubarak Suwaidan, Ahmet Tekbilek, Bachir Mohamed Sanago y Flavio Rodrigues.
- Artista invitada en espectáculo “ Temple Flamenco “ en Teatro Arlequín de Madrid, durante mes de Diciembre 2010.
- Bailarina solista y coreógrafa en el concierto especial de navidad SIEMENS de la orquesta de Pascual Osa en Auditorio Nacional de Madrid.
- Componente como primera bailarina y repetidora en EstévezyPaños Compañia, en espectáculo "Pre-flamenco".
- Interviene como bailarina solista en el espectáculo "Flamenco Hoy" de Carlos Saura en City Center de New York y en la Casa de Música de Moscu.
- Artista invitada en mítico tablao "Villa Rosa" en Madrid.
- Artista invitada en el "Palacio de Flamenco" en Barcelona.
- Año 2012:
- Primera bailarina, coreógrafa y dirección artística de Zarzuela "Doña Francisquita" con orquesta de Pascual Osa en Auditorio Nacional.
- Bailarina solista en recital de música clásica de la Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn bajo la dirección y con coreografía de Nina Corti.
- Bailarina solista invitada junto a Rafael Estévez y Nani Paños en el concierto del guitarrista Rafael en el Holywell Music Room de Oxford
- Primera bailarina en la obra "Poeta en New York" de Rafael Amargo en IX Festival Flamenco Londres 2012.
- Bailarina solista y repetidora en la obra de Carlos Saura, "Flamenco Hoy" en Festival de Jazz de Montreal.
- Primera bailarina, repetidora y ayudante de dirección en las obras "Tierra" y "La consagración" de Stravinski estrenada recientemente en la Bienal de flamenco de Sevilla 2012 en Teatro de La Maestranza.
Rosana Romero - Dancer
Rosana Romero - professional dancer.
Disciplines: Flamenco, Spanish Dance, Contemporary (Fusion), Music, Movies, Music, Fashion.
Date of birth: 02/20/1977 (Barcelona - Spain)
Resident in Alcorcon (Madrid - Spain)
Contact Phone: 0034 627 986 442
Email E-mail: rosanaromerobailarina@gmail.com
Rosana Romero - professional dancer.
Disciplines: Flamenco, Spanish Dance, Contemporary (Fusion), Music, Movies, Music, Fashion.
Date of birth: 02/20/1977 (Barcelona - Spain)
Resident in Alcorcon (Madrid - Spain)
Contact Phone: 0034 627 986 442
Email E-mail: rosanaromerobailarina@gmail.com
Professionals with what has studied flamenco / Spanish / classical
Ana Marquez, Manuel Núñez, Enric Castán, Jose de la Vega, Berta Vallribera, Rosa Naranjo, "The Tani", "The Toleo", "China", Miguel Angel Rojas, Carlos Rodriguez, Matilde Coral, Mario Maya, Eduardo Serrano "The Güito" Manolete Marin, Javier Latorre, Eva María Garrido "Yerbabuena", Merche Esmeralda, Florencio Campos, Antonio Canales.
Professionals with what has studied flamenco / Spanish / classical
Ana Marquez, Manuel Núñez, Enric Castán, Jose de la Vega, Berta Vallribera, Rosa Naranjo, "The Tani", "The Toleo", "China", Miguel Angel Rojas, Carlos Rodriguez, Matilde Coral, Mario Maya, Eduardo Serrano "The Güito" Manolete Marin, Javier Latorre, Eva María Garrido "Yerbabuena", Merche Esmeralda, Florencio Campos, Antonio Canales.
- I Tientos Tangos in Flamenco dance contest "Youth Exchange" in Barcelona (1992).
- Awards "Vicente Escudero" and "Pilar Lopez" in the II Contest of Flamenco Dance (1994).
- Award "Carmen Amaya" the most complete dancer of that competition (1994).
- I dance Flamenco Shows (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1988) with Antonio "El Pipa" and Leonor Marquez.
- Flamenco Dance Sample III (1990) with Inmaculada Aguilar, "The Toleo" and Adrián Galia.
- Opening of the Olympic Games in Barcelona with the Ballet Cristina Hoyos (1992).
- XI Memorial Antonio Mairena de Barcelona (1993) by the Macanita, José Meneses and Jose de la Tomasa.
- Festival "Novice Generations" Flamenco (1995).
- International Dance Day (Mercat de les Flors, 1995) under the direction of Antonio Canales.
- Component Company Antonio Canales (from 1996 to 2001) in the works:
. "Torero".
- "A Rope and Heel".
- "Gypsy."
- "Amor Brujo".
- "Bernarda Alba".
- "Guernica".
- "Root".
- "Cinderella".
- "Dancer".
- Component Suroma company, along with Mara Martinez and Susie Parra (2001-2003) in the works:
- "Three".
- "Talk Flamenco".
- Participate in company Paco Peña in "Musa Gitana" (2002).
- Company Los Losada (until 2004) in the works:
- "Flamenco Summit".
- "Behind the Scenes".
- "Gypsy Soul".
- "The Arabian Nights".
- Rafael Amargo Company (2004-2006), in the works:
- "Enramblado"
- "Intimate".
- "Poet in New York".
- "D.Q. Transit passenger ".
- "Time Out".
- Company Rubén Olmo, also as a repeater (2006 and 2007), in the works:
- "Belmonte".
- "Pinocchio".
- Component of the show "Vertiges" directed by filmmaker Toni Gatlif alongside dancers Maya and Kelian Jose Jimenez. Tour France 2007.
- Currently and since 2008 is a dancer and Repetitive company Cloths Nani and Rafael Estevez "Two by & company" at the shows:
- "Flamenco XXI: Opera, and Pure Coffee"
- "Padre Soler Sonata".
- Year 2010:
Repeater Component as a dancer and the show "Flamenco Today" directed by Carlos Saura with artists such as Pastora Galván, Rocío Molina and Chano Domínguez.
Premiere of the show "Quiet Riot" in the Company of Rubén Olmo, the Seville Biennial in 2010.
Closing of Expo Shangai 2010 with Dani Panullo Company.
Guest Artist at Global Fusion Festival 2010 Doha (UAE) with maestro Trilok Gurtu and musicians like Roland Cabezas, Andy Suzuki, Carlo Cantini, Johan Berby, Ateeq Saeed Mubarak Suwaidan, Ahmet Tekbilek, Mohamed Bachir and Flavio Rodrigues Sanago .
Guest Artist in show "Temple Flamenco" Harlequin Theatre in Madrid, during the month of December 2010.
Solo dancer and choreographer in the special Christmas concert of the orchestra SIEMENS Pascual Osa Auditorio Nacional in Madrid.
- Year 2011:
Component as prima ballerina and repeater in EstévezyPaños company, show "Pre-flamenco".
Intervenes as a solo dancer in the show "Flamenco Hoy" by Carlos Saura at City Center in New York and the House of Music in Moscow.
Tablao legendary guest artist in "Villa Rosa" in Madrid.
Guest artist at the "Palacio de Flamenco" in Barcelona.
- Year 2012:
First dancer, choreographer and artistic director of Zarzuela "Doña Francisquita" with orchestra Pascual Osa National Auditorium.
Dancer soloist in classical music recital of Heilbronn Kammerorchester Württembergisches under the direction and choreography by Nina Corti.
Soloist dancer with Rafael Estévez and Nani Cloths in concert guitarist Rafael in the Holywell Music Room in Oxford
First dancer in the play "Poet in New York" by Rafael Amargo Flamenco Festival in London 2012 IX.
And repetitive solo dancer in the work of Carlos Saura, "Flamenco Hoy" in Montreal Jazz Festival.
First dancer, repeater and assistant director in the works "Tierra" and "La consagración" of Stravinsky premiered recently at the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2012 in Teatro La Maestranza.
Recruitment and Availability: rosanaromerobailarina@gmail.com or by calling 0034 627 986 442
- I Tientos Tangos in Flamenco dance contest "Youth Exchange" in Barcelona (1992).
- Awards "Vicente Escudero" and "Pilar Lopez" in the II Contest of Flamenco Dance (1994).
- Award "Carmen Amaya" the most complete dancer of that competition (1994).
- I dance Flamenco Shows (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1988) with Antonio "El Pipa" and Leonor Marquez.
- Flamenco Dance Sample III (1990) with Inmaculada Aguilar, "The Toleo" and Adrián Galia.
- Opening of the Olympic Games in Barcelona with the Ballet Cristina Hoyos (1992).
- XI Memorial Antonio Mairena de Barcelona (1993) by the Macanita, José Meneses and Jose de la Tomasa.
- Festival "Novice Generations" Flamenco (1995).
- International Dance Day (Mercat de les Flors, 1995) under the direction of Antonio Canales.
- Component Company Antonio Canales (from 1996 to 2001) in the works:
. "Torero".
- "A Rope and Heel".
- "Gypsy."
- "Amor Brujo".
- "Bernarda Alba".
- "Guernica".
- "Root".
- "Cinderella".
- "Dancer".
- Component Suroma company, along with Mara Martinez and Susie Parra (2001-2003) in the works:
- "Three".
- "Talk Flamenco".
- Participate in company Paco Peña in "Musa Gitana" (2002).
- Company Los Losada (until 2004) in the works:
- "Flamenco Summit".
- "Behind the Scenes".
- "Gypsy Soul".
- "The Arabian Nights".
- Rafael Amargo Company (2004-2006), in the works:
- "Enramblado"
- "Intimate".
- "Poet in New York".
- "D.Q. Transit passenger ".
- "Time Out".
- Company Rubén Olmo, also as a repeater (2006 and 2007), in the works:
- "Belmonte".
- "Pinocchio".
- Component of the show "Vertiges" directed by filmmaker Toni Gatlif alongside dancers Maya and Kelian Jose Jimenez. Tour France 2007.
- Currently and since 2008 is a dancer and Repetitive company Cloths Nani and Rafael Estevez "Two by & company" at the shows:
- "Flamenco XXI: Opera, and Pure Coffee"
- "Padre Soler Sonata".
- Year 2010:
Repeater Component as a dancer and the show "Flamenco Today" directed by Carlos Saura with artists such as Pastora Galván, Rocío Molina and Chano Domínguez.
Premiere of the show "Quiet Riot" in the Company of Rubén Olmo, the Seville Biennial in 2010.
Closing of Expo Shangai 2010 with Dani Panullo Company.
Guest Artist at Global Fusion Festival 2010 Doha (UAE) with maestro Trilok Gurtu and musicians like Roland Cabezas, Andy Suzuki, Carlo Cantini, Johan Berby, Ateeq Saeed Mubarak Suwaidan, Ahmet Tekbilek, Mohamed Bachir and Flavio Rodrigues Sanago .
Guest Artist in show "Temple Flamenco" Harlequin Theatre in Madrid, during the month of December 2010.
Solo dancer and choreographer in the special Christmas concert of the orchestra SIEMENS Pascual Osa Auditorio Nacional in Madrid.
- Year 2011:
Component as prima ballerina and repeater in EstévezyPaños company, show "Pre-flamenco".
Intervenes as a solo dancer in the show "Flamenco Hoy" by Carlos Saura at City Center in New York and the House of Music in Moscow.
Tablao legendary guest artist in "Villa Rosa" in Madrid.
Guest artist at the "Palacio de Flamenco" in Barcelona.
- Year 2012:
First dancer, choreographer and artistic director of Zarzuela "Doña Francisquita" with orchestra Pascual Osa National Auditorium.
Dancer soloist in classical music recital of Heilbronn Kammerorchester Württembergisches under the direction and choreography by Nina Corti.
Soloist dancer with Rafael Estévez and Nani Cloths in concert guitarist Rafael in the Holywell Music Room in Oxford
First dancer in the play "Poet in New York" by Rafael Amargo Flamenco Festival in London 2012 IX.
And repetitive solo dancer in the work of Carlos Saura, "Flamenco Hoy" in Montreal Jazz Festival.
First dancer, repeater and assistant director in the works "Tierra" and "La consagración" of Stravinsky premiered recently at the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2012 in Teatro La Maestranza.
Recruitment and Availability: rosanaromerobailarina@gmail.com or by calling 0034 627 986 442